Implementations of FITOVALOR products

Implementation reports

See how FITOVALOR fertilizers have worked on our customers' crops
ARIZONA potatoes - HOLSTAR sp. z o.o.
Field corn - AGRO-BIO-SEED sp. z o.o.
Field corn - GR BROWEG
Winter rape - 1st spray - GR KARNITY
"Miceno" ground tomatoes - GR Kosiński
Winter rape - GR Kosno
Sweet corn - GR Szmulewicz
White cabbage - GR Omen
'N6438' and 'Edimar' tomatoes - GR Olejniczak
Broad beans - GR Janiszewski
Field corn - GR Olszewski
Raspberry - GR Janiszewski

Customers about us

Take the time with our customers who used our fertilizers in the 2022/2023 season

Alternative to traditional nitrogen fertilizers

The products offered by Fitovalor sp z o.o., thanks to the unique formula and proprietary production technology based on the latest knowledge and experience of the FITOVALOR team in the field of biology and genetics, including in particular molecular biology and genomics, significantly improve soil quality, increase the quality and quantity of crops and better absorption of nutrients by plants.

Research conducted by FITOVALOR sp. z o.o. on crop fields shows that plants that have received foliar application of our fertilizers stand out with significantly better development and increased yields compared to other plants.

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FITOVALOR sp. z o.o.'s Team

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