out of love for nature

Dlaczego warto stosować uniwersalny organiczno-mineralny nawóz O-80 firmy Fitovalor?

Wysoka koncentracja składników i zastosowana przez firmę Fitovalor autorska technologia wytwarzania preparatu sprawia, iż koncentrat O-80 wpływa na jakość gleby.

Dzięki kompleksowemu połączeniu mikro – i makroelementów, witamin, wolnych L-aminokwasów roślinnych i kwasów humusowych efekty stosowania koncentratu będą widoczne już podczas pierwszych plonów.

Wide use of the O-80 concentrate

The preparation is available in a concentrated liquid form, which allows it to be used for various types of crops, including:

O-80 fertilizer can be used both for large-area and small-area crops, in the field and under cover.

O-80 fertilizer features:

increases the quantity and quality of crops

supports the proper development of plants

improves the structure of the soil

increases plant resistance to diseases and climatic changes

increases the water capacity of the soil

Alternative to traditional nitrogen fertilizers

O-80 concentrate and other products offered by Fitovalor Ltd.. thanks to the unique formula and proprietary production technology based on the latest knowledge and experience of the Fitovalor team in the field of biology and genetics, including in particular molecular biology and genomics, they significantly improve soil quality, increase the quality and quantity of crops and better absorption of nutrients by plants.

From the results carried out by Fitovalor Ltd. on the research fields, it appears that the plants to which the O-80 concentrate was applied foliarly are distinguished by much better development and increased yields compared to other plants.

Impact on the soil and providing it with nutrients

The use of O-80 soil-based concentrated organic-mineral fertilizer increases the vitality of leguminous plants and cereals, as well as increases the absorption of phosphorus and potassium from the soil, which improves the supply of nutrients to plants.

Proper saturation of the soil with nutrients prevents the leaching of easily soluble potassium salts and nitrogen, which translates into an increased concentration of humus, nitrogen and heterotrophic bacteria that constantly supplement nutrients metabolized by plants.

Nawóz O-80 przyczynia się do znacznej aktywacji grup mikroorganizmów, które biorą udział w  mineralizacji substancji organicznych. Dzięki temu gleba zostaje wzbogacona w dostępne i łatwo przyswajalne składniki odżywcze. Ulegająca rozkładowi materia organiczna wytwarza duże ilości kwasów organicznych i dwutlenku węgla. Pod ich wpływem niedostępne związki mineralnego fosforu, wapnia, potasu i magnezu przekształcają się w formy dostępne dla rośliny.






Vertical cultivation


Cattle breeding

Other advantages of fertilizing plants with O-80 concentrate

Seed pre-sowing treatment.

Thanks to the application of the O-80 fertilizer at proper time, cereals such as wheat, barley or rye show an increased germination capacity and absorb the necessary nutrients faster.

From the results carried out by Fitovalor Ltd. observations show that the use of O-80 fertilizer on seeds allows to increase germination by approx. 10-15%.

O-80 concentrate is also characterized by a high nutritional effect, thanks to which active plant growth and the development of a strong root system is observed.

Thanks to fertilization with O-80, plants become more resistant to weather conditions, including drought, and winter cereals gain additional protection against frost.

Pre-sowing seed treatment can be carried out not only for cereals, but also for legumes, vegetables, sunflowers and rapeseed.

Vegetable plants’ treatment

Foliar application of O-80 fertilizer is very effective and allows you to achieve several goals at the same time, such as:

Organic and mineral preparation intended to be used for

all types of soils and crops

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