out of love for nature
Kukurydza cukrowa
Wiktora Szmulewicza

Cultivation data

  • Farm Name: GR Piotr Szmulewicz
  • Location: Stare Święcice, mazowieckie voivodship 
  • Crop: sweetcorn . . : : . . Variety: Tyson
  • Seeding date: 25.05.2023 . . : : . . Harvest date: 2-6.11.2023
  • Implementation area: 30 ha
  • Efficiency in the control field: 15 t/ha
  • Efficiency in the FITOVALOR field: 18 t/ha
  • Statistical financial benefit: 3t x 30 ha x 500 PLN/t at the buyer = 45.000 zł
Overview photo
Overview photo

Results at growth stage - 30.08.2023

The field is dominated by low corn (1.4-1.55m). Only a small section (about 25x10m) has tall corn (2-2.2m) and is comparable to the corn in the control field. The control corn is 2.2-2.6m over the entire area. Perhaps more O80 was given to this field at the startup...?

Tall corn has 12-13 leaves, small corn has 11-12. Control plant has 12-13 leaves. Stalk thickness: our large one - 2.6cm at the bottom and 2.2cm at the top; our small one - 2.2cm at the bottom and 1.6cm at the top.

The stalk of the larger corn is strongly green, as is the control corn. The small corn is definitely weaker in color.

Our corn has 1-2 cobs per stalk. The control has 1-2 cobs, and some plants have 3.

The cob length of the large corn in the leaves is about 30cm, the smaller corn about 23cm. The smaller cob on the smaller corn is about 16cm.

The width of the cob of large corn in the leaves is 6cm, smaller corn 5cm. The control corn is 5cm wide.

The width of the peeled cob of large corn is 4.8-5cm. The control corn is slightly less wide: 4.5-4.7cm.
The length of the peeled cob of large corn is 19-20cm. The control corn is also 19-20cm long.

Dimensions of unpeeled cob
Length of unpeeled cob
Dimensions of peeled cob
Stalk diameter at the bottom


Despite the fact that most of the crop on August 30, 2023 was about 1.5m tall and appeared “meager,” the customer estimated that in 2-3 weeks he would already be mowing, because he estimates that the cobs have developed well enough... We confirm that it already tasted very good.

The harvest result was surprisingly good - Wiktor Szmulewicz harvested 18t of sweet corn per hectare, while neighboring plantations achieved 14-15t/ha. This made both Szmulewicz's give us references. We thank you very much and wish you a bountiful harvest for all the years to come!

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Warm greetings!
FITOVALOR sp. z o.o.'s Team

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